Padico Holding

News and press releases

News and Press Releases

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The General Assembly of PADICO holds its annual 27th meeting

Masri: We are determined to continue developing our economy Rawabi, 11 May 2022  The General Assembly of Palestine Development and Investment Company Ltd (PADICO) held its 27th annual meeting on 11...

PADICO Holding profits $17 million until the end of the third quarter of 2021

Rawabi, 31 October 2021 PADICO Holding announced the results of its performance and financial statements by the end of the third quarter of 2021. The financial results of the company revealed a growth...

The signing of two agreements between PADICO and the Investment Promotion and Industrial Estate Agency (IPIEA)

Operating a solar power plant and adding a new source of water in Jericho Agro-Industrial Park (JAIP) Rawabi, 24 October 2021  The Investment Promotion and Industrial Estate Agency (IPIEA) signed an...

United Nations: Global Climate Action Award for Gaza Solar Energy Project

Rawabi, 23 October 2021  The Gaza Industrial Estate Rooftop Solar Energy Project of Gaza Industrial Estate (GIE), which was established by PADICO Holding, received the United Nations Global Climate...

PADICO Holding’s profits $12.8 million for the first half of 2021

Bashar Masri: Strong results give rise to optimism and the second half will be better Rawabi, 15 August 2021  PADICO Holding achieved a qualitative growth in its profits for the first half of 2021...

PADICO issues bonds in $120 million

Masri: The great success indicates the confidence of investors Rawabi, 10 August 2021 PADICO Holding issued new bonds in $120 million, with a term of five years, where the entire value of the issue...