Padico Holding


FAQ for Shareholders

  • How can I update my address details?

    Complete an information change request form with your broker.

  • I’ve changed my name. How can I update my details?

    Complete an information change request form with your broker.

  • How can I transfer my shares?

    Call your broker or open an account with one of the registered brokers at PEX.

  • What should I do if I am an heir of a deceased PADICO shareholder?

    Prepare the required documents (death certificate, legal inheritance certificate and/or probate document) and complete process through a registered broker at PEX.

  • How can I find out the exact number of PADICO shares that I hold?

    You should address this question to your broker or the PEX Central Securities Depository (CSD); if you are a founding shareholder and did not use a broker’s service.

  • How can I obtain a certificate of shares that I own in PADICO?

    Request from PEX Central Securities Depository (CSD) or through your brokerage firm.

  • When are dividends paid and how?

    Dividends are paid upon realization and subject to the announcement of the Company’s general assembly. The company announces the payment mechanism through newspapers, PADICO website, and email.

  • What is the mechanism for unclaimed dividends?

    Unclaimed dividends will be maintained by the company until the shareholder claims them .  To claim your unpaid dividends, please clink on the link, complete the form and send form with required documentation to:



    Fax  009702294822


    Dividend Distribution Forms

    Individual Shareholders     



  • How can investors trade in the market?

    Though opening a trading account at one of the brokerage firms.

  • What are the names of the brokerage firms?

    Go to PEX website for brokers’ names and addresses (click here).

  • Can an investor perform an order (buy/Sell) by themselves in the market?

    No, only through a broker.

  • Can an investor cancel their order in the market?

    Yes, by sending a cancel-request to the broker or through the e-trading system.

  • When was PADICO established?

    PADICO was established on October 14, 1993 as a limited shareholding company.

  • Where is PADICO listed?

    PADICO is listed on Palestine Securities Exchange (PEX).

  • When was the share listed?

    The share was listed on 1997.

  • How can I learn more about PADICO Holding’s companies?

    Go to investments on the Home Page.

  • When and where is the General Assembly held?

    It remains subject to the General Assembly announcement in the newspapers, company website, company social media and shareholder invitations shared via email.

  • When does the fiscal year end?
    December 31.
  • When do you announce fiscal results?
    April 15.
  • Where can I find financial materials about your business results?
    Annual reports and financial disclosures can be accessed from the Home Page main menu under Investor Relations
  • What accounting standard do you apply?
    International Financial Report Standards (IFRSs).
  • What is the stock code and ticker symbol?


  • How many shares are in the minimum trading unit?

    One share.

  • What is the current share price?

    Go to our home page or to the Stock Quotes PEX Market Watch (click here).